How to end up to be Blogger Atom export to RSS and import to WordPress

If you had taken Blogger backup from Google Takeout , you will have stumbled on that the format for each of your blog is an ATOM file. WordPress does now not have import equipment to import Atom records instantly. Although an ATOM file is in XML, so besides an RSS file, it need to now not be imported in truth.
Here is my non-public adventure in changing Blogger Atom to RSS and successfully importing it to WordPress. This example is on Windows OS.

A new RSS file is generated from the atom file which which you could be able to import to WordPress website online.

Steps to remodel Blogger Atom to RSS:

Once you're there, execute the next command in the Command Prompt window.

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Download MSXML Service Pack 3 (Microsoft XML Core Services) from Microsoft internet site here.
Download Command Line Transformation Utility (msxsl.exe) from Microsoft internet site here.
Download Atom2RSS.XSL from here
Save all the records above records in a comparable directory the place you have got the Blogger backup atom file.
Open Windows Command Prompt
Press Windows Key on the Keyboard and mannequin 'cmd" and hit input.

F:\GoogleTakeout\Blogger>msxsl.exe -o newbackup1.rss smude.atom atom2rss.xsl

Open your WordPress and login to dashboard.
Go to Tools > Import > RSS
If the plugin is now not yet put in, install and turn on it.
Upload the new RSS file and import.

Navigate to the folder the place you have got kept the records.
When you first shipping Command Prompt, you're in c:\Users\your username.
Say the records are in F: drive. So press F: to visit modification directory.
Then classification "cd foldername" and hit input. Keep doing that until eventually you attain the folder the place you have got the records. Remember the records you downloaded from Microsoft internet site above would might be be in a comparable directory because the Blogger backup records.

How to import the reworked RSS records to WordPress:

That's it.
The Blogger backup is in truth imported to the WordPress website online.
How to end up to be Blogger Atom export to RSS and import to WordPress

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Labels: Blogging Tips

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